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SinceVersion dev



Local table-valued-function(tvf), allows users to read and access local file contents on be node, just like accessing relational table. Currently supports csv/csv_with_names/csv_with_names_and_types/json/parquet/orc file format.

It needs ADMIN privilege to use.


"file_path" = "path/to/file.txt",
"backend_id" = "be_id",
"format" = "csv",
"keyn" = "valuen"

parameter description

Related parameters for accessing local file on be node:

  • file_path:

    (required) The path of the file to be read, which is a relative path to the user_files_secure_path directory, where user_files_secure_path parameter can be configured on be.

    Can not contains .. in path. Support using glob syntax to match multi files, such as log/*.log

  • backend_id:

    (required) The backend id where the file resides. The backend_id can be obtained by show backends command.

File format parameters:

  • format: (required) Currently support csv/csv_with_names/csv_with_names_and_types/json/parquet/orc

  • column_separator: (optional) default ,.

  • line_delimiter: (optional) default \n.

  • compress_type: (optional) Currently support UNKNOWN/PLAIN/GZ/LZO/BZ2/LZ4FRAME/DEFLATE/SNAPPYBLOCK. Default value is UNKNOWN, it will automatically infer the type based on the suffix of uri.

    The following 6 parameters are used for loading in json format. For specific usage methods, please refer to: Json Load

  • read_json_by_line: (optional) default "true"

  • strip_outer_array: (optional) default "false"

  • json_root: (optional) default ""

  • json_paths: (optional) default ""

  • num_as_string: (optional) default false

  • fuzzy_parse: (optional) default false

    SinceVersion devThe following 2 parameters are used for loading in csv format
  • trim_double_quotes: Boolean type (optional), the default value is false. True means that the outermost double quotes of each field in the csv file are trimmed.

  • skip_lines: Integer type (optional), the default value is 0. It will skip some lines in the head of csv file. It will be disabled when the format is csv_with_names or csv_with_names_and_types.


Analyze the log file on specified BE:

mysql> select * from local(
"file_path" = "log/be.out",
"backend_id" = "10006",
"format" = "csv")
where c1 like "%start_time%" limit 10;
| c1 |
| start time: 2023εΉ΄ 08月 07ζ—₯ ζ˜ŸζœŸδΈ€ 23:20:32 CST |
| start time: 2023εΉ΄ 08月 07ζ—₯ ζ˜ŸζœŸδΈ€ 23:32:10 CST |
| start time: 2023εΉ΄ 08月 08ζ—₯ 星期二 00:20:50 CST |
| start time: 2023εΉ΄ 08月 08ζ—₯ 星期二 00:29:15 CST |

Read and access csv format files located at path ${DORIS_HOME}/student.csv:

mysql> select * from local(
"file_path" = "student.csv",
"backend_id" = "10003",
"format" = "csv");
| c1 | c2 | c3 |
| 1 | alice | 18 |
| 2 | bob | 20 |
| 3 | jack | 24 |
| 4 | jackson | 19 |
| 5 | liming | d18 |

Can be used with desc function :

mysql> desc function local(
"file_path" = "student.csv",
"backend_id" = "10003",
"format" = "csv");
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| c1 | TEXT | Yes | false | NULL | NONE |
| c2 | TEXT | Yes | false | NULL | NONE |
| c3 | TEXT | Yes | false | NULL | NONE |


local, table-valued-function, tvf

Best Practice​

For more detailed usage of local tvf, please refer to S3 tvf, The only difference between them is the way of accessing the storage system.