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Release 2.0.12

Thanks to our community developers and users for their contributions. Doris version 2.0.12 will bring 99 improvements and bug fixes.

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Behavior changes​

  • No longer set the default table comment to the table type. Instead, set it to be empty by default, for example, change COMMENT 'OLAP' to COMMENT ' '. This new behavior is more friendly for BI software that relies on table comments. #35855

  • Change the type of the @@autocommit variable from BOOLEAN to BIGINT to prevent errors from certain MySQL clients (such as .NET MySQL.Data). #33282


  • Remove the disable_nested_complex_type parameter and allow the creation of nested ARRAY, MAP, and STRUCT types by default. #36255

  • The HMS catalog supports the SHOW CREATE DATABASE command. #28145

  • Add more inverted index metrics to the query profile. #36545

  • Cross-Cluster Replication (CCR) supports inverted indices. #31743

You can access the full list through the GitHub link , with the key features and improvements highlighted below.


Thanks all who contribute to this release:

@airborne12, D14@amorynan, D14@BiteTheDDDDt, D14@cambyzju, D14@caoliang-web, D14@dataroaring, D14@eldenmoon, D14@feiniaofeiafei, D14@felixwluo, D14@gavinchou, D14@HappenLee, D14@hello-stephen, D14@jacktengg, D14@Jibing-Li, D14@Johnnyssc, D14@liaoxin01, D14@LiBinfeng-01, D14@luwei16, D14@mongo360, D14@morningman, D14@morrySnow, D14@mrhhsg, D14@Mryange, D14@mymeiyi, D14@qidaye, D14@qzsee, D14@starocean999, D14@w41ter, D14@wangbo, D14@wsjz, D14@wuwenchi, D14@xiaokang, D14@XuPengfei-1020, D14@xy720, D14@yongjinhou, D14@yujun777, D14@Yukang-Lian, D14@Yulei-Yang, D14@zclllyybb, D14@zddr, D14@zhannngchen, D14@zhiqiang-hhhh, D14@zy-kkk, D14@zzzxl1993