
获取 Profile


我们时常遇到对应 SQL 执行时间不及预期的情况,为了优化 SQL 达到预期查询时延,通过 Profile 我们能够看出可以做哪些优化。现在说明在不同环境下应该如何拿到对应 Query 的 Profile。



Doris 集群能够正常访问外网

  1. 开启 Profile 上报参数 enable_profile

    该参数开启的是 session 变量,此变量不建议全局开启。

    mysql> set enable_profile=true;
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

    mysql> show variables like '%profile%';
    | Variable_name | Value | Default_Value | Changed |
    | enable_profile | true | false | 1 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
  2. 执行对应 Query

    集群在多个 FE 的情况下,需要到开启 Profile 上报参数的 FE 上执行对应 Query, 参数并没有全局生效。

    mysql> set enable_profile=true;
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
    mysql> show variables like '%profile%';
    | Variable_name | Value | Default_Value | Changed |
    | enable_profile | true | false | 1 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)

    --执行对应 Query
    mysql> select id,name from test.test where name like "%RuO%";
    | id | name |
    | 1ZWXYGbb8nr5Pi29J4cEMyEMb | ZN1nqzBRSl1rTrr99rnX1aplxhRuOUTLw6so7rzjlRQ317gTPxh0dHljmrARDJjH7FjRkJW9c7YuUBmWikq7eNgmFKJPreWirDrGrFzUYH4eP6kDtSA3UTnNIIj |
    1 row in set (0.01 sec)
  3. 获取 Profile

    集群在多个 FE 的情况下,需要访问执行对应 Query 的 FE HTTP 界面 ( HTTP://FE_IP:HTTP_PORT ) 的 QueryProfile 页面,点击对应 Profile ID 查看对应 Profile,还可以在 Profile 界面下载对应 Profile。



Doris 集群访问外网受到限制

集群不能正常访问外网时,需要通过 API 的方式拿到对应 Profile (HTTP://FE_IP:HTTP_PORT/API/Profile?Query_ID=),IP 和端口是指执行对应 Query 的 FE 对应 IP 和端口。此时获取对应 Query 的 Profile 步骤前两步和正常访问外网时是一样的,第三步获取 Profile 时会有差别。

获取 Porfile

  • 找到对应 Query ID

    --根据对应 Query 找到 Profile ID
    mysql> show query profile "/";
    | Profile ID | Task Type | Start Time | End Time | Total | Task State | User | Default Db | Sql Statement |
    | 1b0bb22689734d30-bbe56e17c2ff21dc | QUERY | 2024-02-28 11:00:17 | 2024-02-28 11:00:17 | 7ms | EOF | root | | select id,name from test.test where name like "%RuO%" |
    | 202fb174510c4772-965289e8f7f0cf10 | QUERY | 2024-02-25 19:39:20 | 2024-02-25 19:39:20 | 19ms | EOF | root | | select id,name from test.test where name like "%KJ%" |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  • 查询 Profile 并将 Profile 重定向到一个文本中

    模板:CURL -X GET -u user:password http://fe_ip:http_port/api/profile?query_id=1b0bb22689734d30-bbe56e17c2ff21dc > test.profile

    [user@VM-10-6-centos profile]$ curl -X GET -u root:root > test.profile
    % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
    Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
    100 1211 0 1211 0 0 168k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 168k
  • 返回的 Profile 换行符为 \ \n 分析起来很不方便,可以在文本编辑工具中将 \ \n 替换为 \n

    [user@VM-10-6-centos profile]$ cat test.profile
    {"msg":"success","code":0,"data":{"profile":"Query:\n Summary:\n
    - Profile ID: 1b0bb22689734d30-bbe56e17c2ff21dc\n - Task Type: QUERY\n
    - Start Time: 2024-02-28 11:00:17\n - End Time: 2024-02-28 11:00:17\n
    - Total: 7ms\n - Task State: EOF\n - User: root\n - Default Db: \n
    - Sql Statement: select id,name from test.test where name like \"%RuO%\"\n Execution Summary:\n
    - Workload Group: \n - Analysis Time: 1ms\n
    - Plan Time: 2ms\n - JoinReorder Time: N/A\n
    - CreateSingleNode Time: N/A\n - QueryDistributed Time: N/A\n
    - Init Scan Node Time: N/A\n - Finalize Scan Node Time: N/A\n
    - Get Splits Time: N/A\n - Get PARTITIONS Time: N/A\n
    - Get PARTITION FILES Time: N/A\n - Create Scan Range Time: N/A\n
    - Schedule Time: N/A\n - Fetch Result Time: 0ms\n - Write Result Time: 0ms\n
    - Wait and Fetch Result Time: N/A\n - Doris Version: doris-2.0.4-rc06-003a815b63\n
    - Is Nereids: Yes\n - Is Pipeline: Yes\n - Is Cached: Yes\n
    - Total Instances Num: 0\n - Instances Num Per BE: \n
    - Parallel Fragment Exec Instance Num: 48\n - Trace ID: \n"},"count":0}
  • 替换后的效果如下

    - Profile ID: 1b0bb22689734d30-bbe56e17c2ff21dc
    - Task Type: QUERY
    - Start Time: 2024-02-28 11:00:17
    - End Time: 2024-02-28 11:00:17
    - Total: 7ms
    - Task State: EOF
    - User: root
    - Default Db:
    - Sql Statement: select id,name from test.test where name like \"%RuO%\"
    Execution Summary:
    - Workload Group:
    - Analysis Time: 1ms
    - Plan Time: 2ms
    - JoinReorder Time: N/A
    - CreateSingleNode Time: N/A
    - QueryDistributed Time: N/A
    - Init Scan Node Time: N/A
    - Finalize Scan Node Time: N/A
    - Get Splits Time: N/A
    - Get PARTITIONS Time: N/A
    - Create Scan Range Time: N/A
    - Schedule Time: N/A
    - Fetch Result Time: 0ms
    - Write Result Time: 0ms
    - Wait and Fetch Result Time: N/A
    - Doris Version: doris-2.0.4-rc06-003a815b63
    - Is Nereids: Yes
    - Is Pipeline: Yes
    - Is Cached: Yes
    - Total Instances Num: 0
    - Instances Num Per BE:
    - Parallel Fragment Exec Instance Num: 48
    - Trace ID: