JSONB jsonb_extract(JSONB j, VARCHAR json_path)
BOOLEAN jsonb_extract_isnull(JSONB j, VARCHAR json_path)
BOOLEAN jsonb_extract_bool(JSONB j, VARCHAR json_path)
INT jsonb_extract_int(JSONB j, VARCHAR json_path)
BIGINT jsonb_extract_bigint(JSONB j, VARCHAR json_path)
DOUBLE jsonb_extract_double(JSONB j, VARCHAR json_path)
STRING jsonb_extract_string(JSONB j, VARCHAR json_path)
jsonb_extract functions extract field specified by json_path from JSONB. A series of functions are provided for different datatype.
- jsonb_extract extract and return JSONB datatype
- jsonb_extract_isnull check if the field is json null and return BOOLEAN datatype
- jsonb_extract_bool extract and return BOOLEAN datatype
- jsonb_extract_int extract and return INT datatype
- jsonb_extract_bigint extract and return BIGINT datatype
- jsonb_extract_double extract and return DOUBLE datatype
- jsonb_extract_STRING extract and return STRING datatype
Exception handling is as follows:
- if the field specified by json_path does not exist, return NULL
- if datatype of the field specified by json_path is not the same with type of jsonb_extract_t, return t if it can be cast to t else NULL
jsonb_exists_path and jsonb_typeβ
BOOLEAN jsonb_exists_path(JSONB j, VARCHAR json_path)
STRING jsonb_type(JSONB j, VARCHAR json_path)
There are two extra functions to check field existence and type
- jsonb_exists_path check the existence of the field specified by json_path, return TRUE or FALS
- jsonb_exists_path get the type as follows of the field specified by json_path, return NULL if it does not exist
- object
- array
- null
- bool
- int
- bigint
- double
- string
refer to jsonb tutorial for more.
JSONB, JSON, jsonb_extract, jsonb_extract_isnull, jsonb_extract_bool, jsonb_extract_int, jsonb_extract_bigint, jsonb_extract_double, jsonb_extract_string, jsonb_exists_path, jsonb_type