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Why Apache Doris is the Best Open Source Alternative to Rockset
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Why Apache Doris is the Best Open Source Alternative to Rockset

Among of all the claim-to-be alternatives to Rockset, Apache Doris is one of the few that cover all the key features of Rockset.

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Steps to industry-leading query speed: evolution of the Apache Doris execution engine
Tech Sharing

Steps to industry-leading query speed: evolution of the Apache Doris execution engine

From the Volcano Model to the Pipeline Execution Engine, and now PipelineX, Apache Doris brings its computation efficiency to a higher level with each iteration.

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Another lifesaver for data engineers: Apache Doris Job Scheduler for task automation
Tech Sharing

Another lifesaver for data engineers: Apache Doris Job Scheduler for task automation

The built-in Doris Job Scheduler triggers pre-defined operations efficiently and reliably. It is useful in many cases including ETL and data lake analytics.

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Apache Doris version 2.0.11 just released
Release Note

Apache Doris version 2.0.11 just released

Thanks to our community users and developers, about 123 improvements and bug fixes have been made in Doris 2.0.11 version.

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Unified data warehouse

for various analytics use cases

From traditional batch reporting to real-time reporting and dashboards. From internal-facing analytics like traditional BI to customer-facing analytics. From decision support analytics to algorithm-driven real-time decision-making.

Start a real-time analytical journey with Apache Doris