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The usage of CCR is straightforward. Simply start the syncer service and send a command, and the Syncer will take care of the rest.

Step 1. Deploy the source Doris cluster

Step 2. Deploy the target Doris cluster

Step 3. Enable binlog in both the source and target clusters

Both the source and target clusters need to enable binlog. Configure the following information in the fe.conf and be.conf files of the source and target clusters:


Step 4. Deploy Syncer

​Build CCR Syncer

git clone
cd ccr-syncer
bash <-j NUM_OF_THREAD> <--output SYNCER_OUTPUT_DIR>
cd SYNCER_OUTPUT_DIR# Contact the Doris community for a free CCR binary package

Start and stop Syncer

# Start
cd bin && sh --daemon

# Stop

Step 5. Enable binlog in the source db or table

-- If you want to synchronize the entire database, you can execute the following script:
vim shell/
Modify host, port, user, password, and db in the source cluster
Or ./ --host $host --port $port --user $user --password $password --db $db

-- If you want to synchronize a single table, you can execute the following script and enable binlog for the target table:
ALTER TABLE enable_binlog SET ("binlog.enable" = "true");

Step 6. Launch a synchronization task to the Syncer

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"name": "ccr_test",
"src": {
"host": "localhost",
"port": "9030",
"thrift_port": "9020",
"user": "root",
"password": "",
"database": "your_db_name",
"table": "your_table_name"
"dest": {
"host": "localhost",
"port": "9030",
"thrift_port": "9020",
"user": "root",
"password": "",
"database": "your_db_name",
"table": "your_table_name"

Parameter description:

name: name of the CCR synchronization task, should be unique
host, port: host and mysql(jdbc) port for the master FE for the corresponding cluster
user, password: the credentials used by the Syncer to initiate transactions, fetch data, etc.
If it is synchronization at the database level, specify your_db_name and leave your_table_name empty
If it is synchronization at the table level, specify both your_db_name and your_table_name
The synchronization task name can only be used once.