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Setting FE dev env using Eclipse


  • JDK 1.8+
  • Maven 3.x+
  • Eclipse, with M2Eclipse installed

Code Generation​

The FE module requires part of the generated code, such as Thrift, Protobuf, Jflex, CUP and other frameworks.


  1. Under Linux, enter the source code directory fe and execute the following command:

     mvn  generate-sources
  2. If use windows as development environment, then package the generated fe/fe-core/target/generated-sources directory:

    fe/fe-core/target/ && tar czf java.tar.gz generated-sources/

  3. Copy java.tar.gz to the fe/fe-core/target/ directory of the development environment and unzip

    cp java.tar.gz /path/to/doris/fe/fe-core/target/
    cd /path/to/doris/fe/fe-core/target/ && tar xzf java.tar.gz


We can use maven to do code generation or in other words build FE project directly on MacOS.

  1. Install apache thrift from source code or brew if you don't have one

  2. Create a directory thirdparty/installed/bin, and link command thrift into it.

    mkdir -p thirdparty/installed/bin
    ln -s ${thrift_installed_full_path} thirdparty/installed/bin/thrift
  3. Call maven to build FE project, if something went wrong, check you $JAVA_HOME, java version and newly installed command thrift work correctly.

    cd fe && mvn package -DskipTests=true -Dos.arch=x86_64

Option -Dos.arch=x86_64 in step 3 is for compatibility of Apple's M series CPU.

Note: 0. cup and jfex use java jar to do code generation, the process is platform independent.

  1. Code generation of protobuf is done by protoc-jar-maven-plugin, which uses precompiled binaries of different archs to make it seems platform independent.
  2. thrift is the only one relies on thirdparty/installed, which needs to be built from source. We will make it independent on thirdparty/installed someday (TODO).

Import FE project​

Import as eclipse project​

  1. In the fe/ directory of the development environment, execute the following command to generate the Eclipse project file:

    cd /path/to/doris/fe/ && mvn -npr eclipse:eclipse -Dskip.plugin=true

    After the execution is completed, the .project and .classpath files will be generated in the fe/ directory.

  2. Import FE project

    • Open Eclipse, choose File -> Import.
    • Choose General -> Existing Projects into Workspace.
    • Select root directory and choose fe/ directory, click Finish to finish.
    • Right click the project, and choose Build Path -> Configure Build Path.
    • In the Java Build Path dialog, choose the Source tab, click Add Folder, and select the java/ directory that was copied and unzipped before adding.
    • Click Apply and Close to finish.

At this point, FE project import is complete. The project directory in Eclipse is roughly as follows:

Import as maven project​

We are able to build FE with maven, if we have done all the operations related to MacOS. And we are now of course able to import FE project as a maven project in eclipse.

In eclipse menu File select Import -> Maven -> Existing Maven Projects, Choose doris fe directory to finish import. It's recommended to use working set to manage the all modules of FE.

Enjoy developing and debugging FE in eclipse!

Run Unit Test​

Right-click on the unit test file you want to run and select Run As -> JUnit Test. (If you want to debug, select Debug As -> JUnit Test).

If the following error occurs:

java.lang.Exception: Method xxxx should have no parameters

Then right-click the unit test file and select Run As -> Run Configurations.... (If you want to debug, select Debug As -> Debug Configurations...).

Add to the VM arguments in the Arguments tab:


Among them, ${settings.localRepository} should be replaced with the path of the maven library path, such as:


Then just run Run/Debug.

Run FE​

You can directly start an FE process in Eclipse to facilitate debugging the code.

  1. Create a runtime directory

    mkdir /path/to/doris/fe/run/
    cd /path/to/doris/fe/run/
    mkdir conf/log/doris-meta/
  2. Create configuration file

    Create the configuration file fe.conf in the conf/ directory created in the first step. You can directly copy conf/fe.conf in the source directory and make simple changes.

  3. Find the src/main/java/org/apache/doris/ file in Eclipse, right-click and select Run As -> Run Configurations.... Add the following environment variables to the Environment tab:

    • DORIS_HOME: /path/to/doris/fe/run/
    • PID_DIR: /path/to/doris/fe/run/
    • LOG_DIR: /path/to/doris/fe/run/log
  4. Right-click and select Run As -> Java Application to start FE.

To run a UT, a FE service will be started at first. And then, UT cases execute as client and test corresponding logics. When errors occur, only client logs will be print in UT logs. If you need more information from server logs, you can view logs in ${DORIS_HOME}/fe/mocked.

Code Update​

Imported as eclipse project​

  1. Update lexical and grammar files or proto and thrift files

    If you modified fe/src/main/cup/sql_parser.cup or fe/src/main/jflex/sql_scanner.flex file or proto and thrift files. You need to execute the following commands in the fe/ directory:

    mvn  generate-sources

    Then refresh the project in Eclipse.

  2. Update maven dependencies

    If you update the dependency in fe/pom.xml, you need to execute the following command in the fe/ directory:

    mvn -npr eclipse:eclipse -Dskip.plugin=true

    Then refresh the project in Eclipse. If it cannot be updated, it is recommended to delete the project and import it again according to this document.

Imported as maven project​

  1. Update lexical and grammar files or proto and thrift files

    cd fe && mvn package -DskipTests=true -Dos.arch=x86_64
  2. Update maven dependencies, in eclipse Package Explorer right click on the project maven -> update project...

  3. Refresh project in eclipse

Imports Order​

In order to maintain the Imports order of Java, please perform the following operations to set the Imports Order of the project.

  1. Create the file fe_doris.importorder and write the following:

    #Organize Import Order
    #Wed Jul 01 16:42:47 CST 2020
  2. Open Eclipse Preferences, select Java -> Code Style -> Organize Imports. Click Import to import the above file.